Join our Open Book Blog Hop and share with us your writing space.

My writing space is truly a work in progress. It travels from the kitchen table to the bedroom because we recently moved and I am still finding my “spot”. I write at the kitchen table on the weekends when the sun is streaming through the window behind me along with a light breeze. It sounds so perfect, but I’ve yet to experience that light breeze to accompany the sun streaming through because we’ve been experiencing a heat wave.

I wiggle to find the perfect place in the barstool-high chair, equipped with a sturdy pillow at my back and sigh. I place earbuds, playing barely audible worship music, in my ears and I step into my world one keystroke at a time. Oh yes, this work space is perfect.
Four hours later… The seat is not as comfortable as it was even 20 minutes ago and placing my feet on and off of the adjacent chair just isn’t working anymore. I stretch and moan. Does the height of my chair really allow for the perfect eye level for working on my laptop? Before I leave my haven (that has now fallen back to earth) and look up the OSHA Handbook to see if I am in the optimal writing position, I carry my office to the bedroom.

I sit myself up against the headboard with two pillows propping me up and a neck pillow keeping me in the perfect position to type. I am off and running again with laptop on its lap pad and plenty to drink beside me. This is even better than the kitchen table.
Two hours later…the writing muse has released its grip and I am quite a few pages away from the one I started on that morning. I'm happy and feeling slightly liberated, except I can’t feel my legs.
Next time I may take my laptop to the internet coffee shop that is designed to look like a living room. That sounds like the place to work.
I can't wait to see Lela Markham's writing space.
Follow me to her blog at
You can also find her latest work, Life As We Knew It (Transformation Project Book 1) here.
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Sept. 30 – Oct. 6, 2015: Show off your writing space.
Where do you work, write, spend your writing time?
Rules: 1. Link your blog to this hop. 2. Notify your following that you are participating in this blog hop. 3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants' blogs. 4. Tweet/or share each person's blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting. 5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.