Welcome! This is the place to go to get all the latest news and character development in my Christian fiction romance and suspense books.
There will be discussions of scenes and characters from my Promises to Zion Series and The Chandler County Series
I will share my latest projects and give insight on characters I will be bringing forward over the next few months in new books as well as the third installment in the series "My Garment of Praise for Your Spirit of Heaviness."
I will also share my characters in a new world called Chandler County. It is a place created by multiple authors and you will not be disappointed.
The purpose of this group is to bring more exposure to my books through social media interaction and to have fun discussing the books and characters from these books.
1. You have the chance to win prizes in giveaways. You can win book swag such as: bookmarks, pens, notepads, key chains, gift cards, and anything else I can think of for performing small tasks like posting updates in different social media outlets and participating in discussion groups.
2. You will get free E-books and first looks at projects I am currently working on.
3. A gift from me for your birthday so be sure to tell me what your favorite color is.
Be sure to read the guidelines so that we can all be on one accord and prepare to have fun.