Bearer of the Promise Guidelines
Please review the guidelines and read at least one of my books before asking to join the Street Team. I want to be sure you love my stories before you commit to promote my work. Here's what I ask…
1. At a minimum: (a) read my books and post reviews preferably on Amazon and Goodreads though other sites are also encouraged. (b) Share (on your own page) on Facebook and Twitter, letting your followers know about my new releases and featured stories. You are getting the word out and that's what is important. But please do not post on anyone's page without getting their permission first.
If you can, post something about one of my stories every month —just to keep my books on the screen for readers who haven’t discovered them yet.
2. Follow me on Facebook, Twitter and, if you like, be a fan of my work on Goodreads.
3. Promote my work, but please be courteous and authentic when you do. I have bookmarks and post cards of my covers I'll be happy to send you so you can pass them out to your friends or take them to romance readers conferences like Romantic Times.
4. For reviews of my novels and stories, post at least a few lines to honestly let other readers know what you liked about the story. Try to be specific so they know what to expect and why they might like it. Your opinion matters to readers searching for good romances!
5. Please do not criticize a negative review if you see one. It’s a risk we authors take that some will not like our stories no matter how hard we work to get them just right. Everyone is entitled to his or her opinion.
6. I will ask you to provide me with certain personal information (email, address, birthday) so that I can send you small gifts, prizes (including print copies of my novels as they are available). I will hold your information is strict confidence and never share it.
7. I will give you my email so you can communicate with me directly and off the street team Facebook page should you desire that. I know many of you will have great suggestions; I want to know them!
8. If you are interested in critiquing or beta reading my upcoming work, I will provide you that opportunity. I may post a prologue of a work in progress to get your take on it. The page will be password protected. I may ask for your suggestions and feedback.